Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God's Call on My Life

Proverbs 31:8, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed."

How many of you have ever known that God was calling you to do something?

Whether you know it or not, God has a unique plan for you. He made you for a purpose. You are not an accident. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

If you grew up in church, you probably know the Sunday school answer when asked what your purpose is: to glorify God. Yes, we were created to glorify God. But in a more specific way, is there something that you know God has placed as a call on your life?

Perhaps at this moment you don't know what that call is. That's okay! If that's where God has you right now, be patient and follow Him one step at a time.

I don't know what other calls I'll have on my life in the future, but there are two calls on my life that I am aware of right now that I know are from God. I wanted to share a little bit about one of those calls today.

When I was growing up, I was blessed to learn out of Christian curriculum. In one of the science books I had, there was a section in it that talked about the value of life. In one of the chapters, it went into detail about what abortion really is, and in that moment my life changed. What I read impacted me so much that I wasn't just saddened... I was moved into action.

At a young age, my heart broke. I didn't want to sit passively by saying how horrible something was while doing absolutely nothing to change the very thing that broke my heart.

A few days ago, I went to Proverbs 31 because I was wanting to write about the woman described in that chapter. In my last devotional, I shared how I wanted to break down each verse and practice being that woman. Before I hit those verses, though, I ran across verse 8, and it became my verse to describe the very call on my life I'm talking about right now. The call God gave me is: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed." Proverbs 31:8. The way I am to do that is to be a part of the change. I am to be a voice.

As I've pondered how to be a part of seeing an end to abortion, I've realized that it is something that has to be approached in a godly way. With as much as I want to see an end to this, I have to be careful to approach this in a loving way toward the people involved.

Thankfully, there are many Pro-Life Christian organizations who have a wonderful way of being a voice for babies while still going about this in a godly way. In my hometown, the Family Life Pregnancy Center is absolutely wonderful, and they're an organization I want to stand behind!

As my eyes were opened to the call God's given me, I found purpose, meaning, and joy in my life. It was a light-bulb moment for me when I realized that I wanted to pursue this call as more than just a "when I think about it" call, but rather as an "I'm all in" call.

So, my question for you is, "What is God calling you to do? What has He laid strongly on your heart?" When you have the answer to that question, I encourage you to fulfill that call. You will find that God really has created us to do good things which He planned for us long ago.

Dear Heavenly Father,

The two calls You've placed on my life are writing and Pro-Life ministry. Lord, I'm excited about the call You've given me, and I pray You'll open doors for me to fulfill this call. Open my eyes and my heart to what You have for me to do. I want to be a voice for You. In Jesus' Name.


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