Saturday, June 11, 2011


April 11, 2011
Psalm 27:13-14 "Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."

To teenagers, the word wait is like a cuss word. In fact, to Americans, the word wait seems to be evil. We live in a world where we don't have to wait much. We have high-speed internet, instant entertainment, and an "I want it now" mentality. We are told to wait patiently on the Lord, though. Today, God has challenged me to spend my time doing things for others. I've been so caught up in what others should do for me that I've been completely discontent causing me to be miserable. As my devotional said this morning, "David could have viewed his job as monotonous and his future bleak. Instead, he looked for and found constructive ways to pass the time while tending the sheep." Maybe you are at a job you don't enjoy; maybe you are in a marriage that seems to be going nowhere good; maybe you are lonely from being a widow or being single. My encouragement to you today is to not give up, but wait patiently for the Lord. See what God wants to do as you seek Him and wait patiently for Him. The reason this Scripture touches me is because I am waiting for the Lord to send my husband to me. I get weary and lonely at times, but He's telling me today, "Be brave and courageous, and wait patiently on the Lord. Don't settle for a frog. Use this time in a constructive way. My child, you reap what you sow."

Dear Lord,
I thank You that You gave me this devotional today. Lord, it is easy in a "I want it now!" world to not be patient and wait for You, but if I waited for You more, I know life would be much better. Please, help me, as I wait patiently for You, to use my time in a constructive way. Help me use it in a way that is not wasteful, but rather glorifying to Your Name. Help me represent You well. In Jesus' Name. I love You! Amen.

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