Saturday, October 6, 2012


Matthew 4:19-20, "Jesus called out to them, 'Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!' And they left their nets at once and followed him."

Jesus had arrived! The promised Messiah was finally here, and He had an invitation for anyone who would follow Him. That invitation was, "Come!"

What I find about His closest disciples, though, was that they immediately came.

These people were ordinary people. They had jobs. They were busy readying their nets and trying to live their lives just like we all are, but when Jesus came, they left everything behind to follow Him.

That's what I call commitment!

I'd like to say I'd do the same thing. It's nice to think that I'd quit my job, go to unfamiliar places, and leave my loved ones behind to follow Jesus, yet when I'm faced with the choice, do I take up His offer to come?

The truth is that just as Jesus called those people to come, He calls us to come every day!

He says:
"When you're weary, come!"
"When you're heavy burdened, come!"
"When you're sad, come!"
"When life is so exciting that you can't express it in words, come!"

Every day we are given the opportunity to come before the throne of Grace and stay in the presence of Jesus. But do we?

I find myself instead of coming to Jesus in my moments of heavy burdens going to the next thing... trying to take care of my long list of "to dos". When I have sad or exciting news, I find myself running to other people to share that news with first instead of running to tell Jesus.

Recently, I was finding comfort in talking to a specific person. I shared what was going on in my life with this person, but when I was unable to communicate with that person, I found myself realizing that God was calling to me to come.

He laid on my heart that I was allowing other people to take His place. What only He could fill in my heart, I was running to people in search for their comfort, support, and approval. I was trying to find fulfillment in my relationships with them instead of in my relationship with God.

So here is my question: "Who is the first one you run to when life happens in your life?"

Is it your friend? Your mom? Your coworker?

I believe that companionship is good and necessary! Let's be honest. God saw that it was bad for Adam to be alone, so He created Eve for him, but God didn't want that relationship to take His place.

Lately I've had a lot that I've been trying to take on my own shoulders. I've been trying to keep up with school, yet I've found myself also trying to balance relationships because in the midst of my busy schedule, I've felt so alone. I've found myself wondering if all this busyness is worth it when I'm missing out on the most precious things in my life. The thing is that in the midst of these these questions, God's been calling for me to come. I need to run to Him in these moments of busy because quite honestly, I can't keep running with this load on my shoulders alone. I keep thinking I'm too busy to leave everything and come to the foot of the cross, but I believe that if I take that time, God will help carry my load with homework, relationships, and life.

Today, Jesus has a question for us. "Will you come?" He's waiting for you to follow!

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the midst of life, I find it difficult for me to drop everything and come. I reason that if I come right now then I'm not going to have time to study for the tests that are coming up. I'm not going to get my homework done in time. I'm not going to have time for the long "to do" list that I have waiting for me. But in this statement, I see that I'm missing out on what is truly the most important thing: my relationship with You.

Lord, my schedule is overwhelming to me at the moment. I find myself overburdened with the thought of homework,  but I also find myself weary with the loneliness of not having the companionship with people lately that I so desperately long for. God, everything needs balance, but I'm finding I can't do it without You, and I don't want to. So, I'm coming to You! Will You lift these heavy weights from my shoulders and carry my burdens that I'm about to fall over from carrying?

Thank You, Lord, for calling me to come!

In Jesus' Name.

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