Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where My Confidence is Found

Psalm 44:6-8, "For I will not trust in and lean on my bow, neither shall my sword save me. But You have saved us from our foes and have put them to shame who hate us. In God we have made our boast all the day long, and we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!"

Where do you find your confidence?

All throughout the Bible, we see how we need to put our confidence in God! It's tempting to put it in other places, though. We like to put it in our abilities, our God given gifts and talents, or in the comfort we find from a stable job, a house, or human relationships. There is one problem with this. Everyone and everything aside from God will let you down at one point or another.

I read a verse yesterday that really caught my attention. David said, "Even my own familiar friend, in whom I trusted (relied on and was confident), who ate of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me." Psalm 41:9.

As I read this verse, God opened my eyes to the fact that even our closest friends or family members make mistakes, and they will eventually let us down. This sounds so depressing, but that's not my intention for writing about it. You see, there is One Who will never fail us, forsake us, or abandon us, and He is God Himself!

There is so much comfort in that promise for me! When I remember that God is my Constant, I can go through life being stable because I know that no matter what my circumstances look like, God is still my Rock and my Fortress.

In the verse I wrote for today, the sons of Korah said that they would not trust or lean on their bow and neither their sword, but that their boasting was in God!

As I look back at my life, I see many times where God did things in my life that I could've never done on my own. A perfect example is my job.

After I graduated high school, I knew that I needed to start applying for jobs. I had never worked for a government paid job before, so I was out of my comfort zone. I went to Del Taco to drop off an application due to the manager there telling me to come back on a certain day, but to make a long story short, I was going to have to come back two days later. I decided to walk across the street to the Big 5 Sporting Goods store since I was in the area anyway and had an application to hand in. That's when God opened a door that I know I could never have opened on my own. They hired me right on the spot. That in itself is a miracle, but it gets better. I don't know a thing about sports! I've always been more of the girly girl who enjoys music, baking, crafts, etc. I never was the athletic type, and I told my manager this! They still hired me. Amazing!

There have been many times that things like this have happened where I knew that God was intervening on my behalf and wanted me in certain places at certain times for whatever reason.

It's clear to me that I cannot rely on my strength or my bow to save me, though. I have to rely on God.

In areas where I feel confident, it's easy to forget that it's really God Who is enabling me to do the things I'm doing, but when it comes to things I know little to nothing about, I see very quickly how it was God all along.

It's the same for you. Whatever is going on in your life, whether good or bad, allow God to be God in your life. Trust me, if we would stop putting our trust in ourselves or in worldly things, and we started putting our trust and confidence in God, there would be no limit to what He could do in and through us!

Dear Heavenly Father,

When I look at the different doors You've opened in my life, I see how it had nothing to do with my strength or abilities. It had everything to do with You working in and through my life. Help me to remember every day where my confidence needs to be, and then help me to live my life in a way that shows that You are my Confidence and the One Who is taking care of my life.

In Jesus' Name.


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