Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One Step at a Time

Deuteronomy 29:29, "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all of the words of this law."

I'm not sure why, but this verse really caught my attention this morning as I read my Bible. As I looked at this verse, I found it interesting to think that there are secret things that we will not know, but there are also things that God reveals to us in order for us to do something with those things.

An example that comes to my mind is the future... our future.

Growing up, I always wanted to know what God had in store for my future. There were times when I thought it would be cool to see what my kids would look like just so I'd know a little better what my husband looks like. You may laugh at that fact about me, but it is the complete truth. I wanted to know right away what God was doing, where He was leading, and what would happen next... but normally, that wasn't how God would work.

Instead, God would give me one instruction that I was to follow, even though it didn't always make sense to me because I didn't have the whole story. All I could see was what He chose to reveal to me.

I found that when I'd ask God what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life, He wouldn't give me a set in stone answer as to my entire life story. Instead, He would give me an instruction such as, "Be faithful in the little things right where I have you today." Instead of showing me the outcome of my life, He would instruct me in something and then ask me to trust Him with the outcome.

What God taught me through all of this was how to walk by faith and how to live in the present instead of in the future that is so unknown to me. What I had to finally accept was that although my future is unknown to me, I can trust God to take care of my every tomorrow because He already knows.

Now, looking back, I see how what I really wanted all along was to be in control of my life. I wanted to feel like I had some type of power over what happened. There are choices that I make that will affect my future, but quite honestly, God is the One Who is in control.

It all comes down to walking by faith... not by sight. There were moments in my life where God would impress it on my heart to not go somewhere, but I had to walk by faith because I thought, "Now where am I going to go then, Lord?" He still didn't always reveal to me the next step, but He gave me another instruction or word of comfort such as, "Taylor, you never know what is right around the corner." Today, I get to look back and see just how much He has blessed me after following Him one step at a time, and I can say it's worth it!

Maybe you are wanting to know what is going to happen next. I encourage you to ask God to help you to let go of your desire to be in control and instead begin walking by faith... following God one step at a time. We don't know what tomorrow holds usually, but we can have peace in knowing the One Who knows.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I spent most of my life trying to have all the answers to my future, but I found that those were secret things that You weren't going to reveal to me until a later time. Instead, you asked me to walk by faith and follow you one step at a time. I pray that You will help me to follow You wherever You lead, trusting that You have a good plan for my life, and I can trust You with my today and with my every tomorrow. I pray this in Jesus' Name.


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