Monday, March 4, 2013

The Land of "Better than Nothing"

Numbers 32:5-7, "And they said, If we have found favor in your sight, let this land be given to your servants for a possession. Do not take us over the Jordan. And Moses said to the sons of Gad and of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war while you sit here? Why do you discourage the hearts of the Israelites from going over into the land which the Lord has given them?"

In Numbers 32, we see how the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben noticed that there was a land for cattle, and they had cattle, so they wanted to go build sheepfolds and walled settlements there.

The issue with this, was that this wasn't the land that God had promised to the Israelites. The land that God had promised to them, He had already pointed out to them, but due to fear, they didn't go in. As a result of this, they had to wander in the wilderness for forty years...

Now, they are in a mindset of settling because they've found something that is "good enough" in their opinion. It isn't the promised land, but they've now reached the point of "It's better than nothing."

We can view this story from an outsider's perspective and wonder why they'd make such a decision, but maybe just maybe we've been in their shoes while not even knowing it...

Have you ever been tempted to settle with less than you knew God had planned for you?

There were many times, especially in my young teen years, where I was tempted to settle with less than I knew God had for me. I knew that God had a wonderful plan for my life, but I didn't like that His timing was going to require me being patient and waiting. I can't even begin to describe the amount of times that something would be put in front of me where I could make what I wanted to happen happen sooner, if I'd simply take matters into my own hands. There was a problem with this, though. It wasn't what God wanted, so I never had peace to do so.

Within the last couple of months, I had a situation in my life where once again, I was presented with an opportunity to take matters into my own hands and make something happen in my own timing... but once again, I knew that God had soooo much more for me. I felt torn between what I wanted at that moment and what I knew would be best in the end, even if it meant having to be patient and wait on God just a while longer. I had an internal battle take place where I often asked myself if the struggle would ever end.

In most of the situations I faced when I was younger, God gave me an answer of, "What are you doing?!?!? No, Taylor. Don't choose that road." but this time, God gave me this answer. Here it was, "You can choose this road. I won't be disappointed in you. But, this isn't what I've had in store for you all along." In that moment, God caused me to realize something. I had a choice. I could get what I wanted today (which sounds like such a good thing after waiting for years), but I knew at the same time that I would be forfeiting the incredible things God had in store for me if I'd simply wait for Him.

Well, I continued to struggle inwardly for some time, but I never did end up settling with the "better than nothing." Was it easy? No! But let me tell you, looking back now, I can see how it would've been so much harder had I done things my way. Do you want to know why? Because God's way really is worth waiting for.

At this point, it's hard to imagine me settling in the "better than nothing" land, but I was so close to it not too long ago. So, it brings me to this. If you are in a position in your life where you are contemplating settling in the "better than nothing" land, don't settle. God has so much more for you than that! He has a land that He has promised to you, and no matter how long it takes to get there, you won't be disappointed with the wait in the end!

Dear Heavenly Father,

As I read about some of the people in this chapter wanting to settle with less than Your best, I realize that I don't want to make the same mistake. Lord, this path that You've had me on leading me to the land You've promised me isn't one that has been a fast trip, but You've been there right by my side the whole way, and it has proven to be a trip worth taking. I pray, God, that You'll strengthen anyone who may be ready to give up on what you have for them all because it seems hard right now. Not too long ago, I was there, but You brought me through that difficult valley, and now You're leading me beside quiet waters. I pray You'll do the same for them. In Jesus' Name.


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