Monday, April 15, 2013

Committing to Commitment

Ruth 1:16, "But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God."

The book of Ruth is a precious book! As I read it, I see the story of true love and commitment!

Recently, commitment has been something that has really hit home to me! My eyes have been opened to see what true commitment looks like, and what a beautiful thing that is!

As I look at the world we live in today, I see commitment being taken lightly, though. I see people giving up on commitment, and their logo is no longer, "No matter what..." it is now, "As long as I'm happy..."

Reading these verses in Ruth really makes me realize what "No matter what..." love really looks like.

Ruth had to put aside her own cares, worries, and concerns. She had to let go of the, "What about me?" mentality, and she had to commit that no matter what came their way, she was not going to leave Naomi's side. Ruth didn't know what was going to come her way. She didn't know if her life would get better or if the road would become more difficult, but what she did know was that she was sticking by Naomi's side no matter what came their way.

I recently went to a wedding, and I got to witness two people committing to loving each other for the rest of their lives no matter what. I love the wedding vows of, "For richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health." These three statements are more than statements... they are commitments.

The book of Ruth gives us a wonderful picture of what commitment looks like!

It shows that commitment isn't a feeling... it's a decision.

Commitment isn't something that is there one day and gone the next... it is forever.

Commitment isn't based on an "If... then..." scenario... it is unconditional!

As our society is forgetting the importance of commitment, we don't have to. I pray that God will help all of us commit to commitment!

Dear Heavenly Father,

As I look at the world around me, I see commitment being taken lightly and fading fast. Recently, though, You've shown me the beauty of commitment, and I pray that You'll help more and more people commit to commitment. Let our lives begin to once again represent "No matter what..." love!

In Jesus' Name.


  1. Wonderful choice of words and devotion. beautifully said.. You are a blessing to many around you.. God has given you a gift with words.

  2. Thank you, Vanessa! You encourage my heart! The words I write are completely from the Holy Spirit!
