Monday, May 6, 2013

Finding Life by Surrender

Matthew 10:39, "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

In Matthew 10, Jesus talks about how if we find our life, we'll lose it; but if we lose our life for His sake, we'll find it. What does this mean? It seems so backward in our human thinking!

As I think about my life, I realize that I have dreams and desires that I hope to see come to pass! I have the desire to be a wife and mom! I desire to be the woman God's called me to be and to reach a lost and hurting world!

Right now, my life consists of going to church, working at Big 5, spending time with my family, and cherishing moments with my boyfriend. These things make up what I call "my life".

A question I must answer, though, is, "Am I willing to give up all of these things for God? Am I willing to lay down what I call 'my life' in order to find the life God has waiting for me?"

As a little girl, I remember imagining in my head what I thought "life" would look like for me. I remember the dolls I played with in hopes of one day having a real baby to call my own. I remember the times I loved on others' kids by babysitting them and just imagining what a blessing it would be to one day live life loving a child day in and day out since my love for these kids I babysat was so great in itself!

God taught me along the way, though, that there were plans and dreams that I had for myself that I needed to let go of in order to find the life He was calling me to have. You see, I had it set in my mind that I'd get married the year I turned eighteen, but that wasn't what God knew would be best. He knew that I had a lot of things He needed to change about my character before I'd ever be ready to be the wife my husband would need.

Today, after letting go of the dreams, desires, and aspirations I had held onto so tightly for years, I've now found real life! I'm finally living! God's given me all of these things, but I truly believe He has given me so much more than what I had been asking Him for. First, He had to teach me a very important lesson, though... He had to teach me that He really is enough!

I love my family! I love my friends! I love my incredible boyfriend! But... I love God more!

Jesus said, "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:37-38. You see, all of the things I wanted before weren't bad things, and they still aren't; but God knew that if my desire for any one of those things was greater than my desire for Him, I'd never find the life He had for me... the greater life!

The love I have for the people God's blessed me with is great, but my love for God is greater still!

I remember, before letting go of what I thought I wanted, I used to have this fear that if I trusted the outcome of my life with God, I'd end up missing out on some of the biggest dreams I have! I'm here to tell you that that was the farthest thing from the truth!

Now, I have finally found my life! Before, I was losing it, but when I gave my plans up to God, I found I was really living!

If you fear that surrendering to God will be a bummer, please know that it won't be! The moment you allow God to take the driver's seat, you'll find a better life than the one you were even looking for before!

Dear Heavenly Father,

In Matthew, You tell us that if we try to hold onto our life, we will lose it; but if we lose our life for your sake, we'll find it! God, as I've surrendered to You... Your plans, Your dreams, Your will... I've found the life I always wanted but couldn't find! Help me to live this life You've given me to the fullest! Use my life to make a mark on this world that will change the lives of people in a positive way for You! Take my small dreams and make them huge! Thank You for the life You've given me!

In Jesus' Name.

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