Saturday, July 20, 2013

When God's Answer isn't what We Want to Hear

2 Chronicles 18:6-7, "But Jehoshaphat asked, 'Is there not also a prophet of the Lord here? We should ask him the same question.' The king of Israel replied to Jehoshaphat, 'There is one more man who could consult the Lord for us, but I hate him. He never prophesies anything but trouble for me! His name is Micaiah son of Imlah.'"

2 Chronicles 18:17, "'Didn't I tell you?' the king of Israel exclaimed to Jehoshaphat. 'He never prophesies anything but trouble for me.'"

In 2 Chronicles 18, King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat were planning on going up to Ramoth-gilead to go to battle. Jehoshaphat was willing to side with King Ahab, but he wanted to make sure they sought the Lord first.

They went and consulted all of the prophets, and everyone of them said that the Lord would be with them, but Jehoshaphat remembered one more prophet of the Lord whom they needed to consult with to make sure this was really the Lord's will that they go to battle.

The prophet of the Lord's name was Micaiah. Ahab didn't like him... in fact, he claimed to hate him... because he never prophesied anything but trouble for him.

They still went ahead and asked Micaiah what the Lord was telling him about the battle, and sure enough, it wasn't a good idea for them to go.

King Ahab became furious! He went to battle anyway and refused to listen to Micaiah.

As I read through this story this morning, I recognized some of the same behaviors in myself that King Ahab displayed.

Often times, I seek the Lord about things. I desire to be in the center of God's will, but sometimes I just want God to do things my way. I get angry, just like Ahab did, when what God is leading me to do isn't at all what I hoped His answer would be.

I don't believe King Ahab really wanted to know what God thought. I believe all he really wanted was for God to do things his way. He wanted to go to battle and have God give him victory.

Once he knew what God was telling him, though, he went on in disobedience and anger, and that ended up being the death of him.

At times, I too am tempted to go on in something that God has clearly told me would be the death of what He desires to give to me. Sometimes, though, just like Ahab, I feel as if God's answer for me always ends up being a prophesy of trouble for me. The main answers I receive are, "I have something better for you. Just be patient, wait, and trust me."

This answer is never what I want to hear. I desire God's timing to be NOW! I desire His answer to my prayers about what I want to be "Yes!", and I don't like having to be patient and wait and simply trust God.

What I end up with in the end of my disobedience, though, is heartache and pain which God all along really just wanted to protect me from. He really isn't out to harm me or to make me miss out on such precious things in life. In all reality, He wants to bless me and give me those things, but He knows the only way for that to happen is for me to follow Him wholeheartedly in whatever He tells me to do.

Have you ever been in the shoes of getting upset with God for not doing things your way or for telling you something that you wish was a different answer? Me too, but I encourage you today to stop asking God to follow you and begin allowing Him to be your leader. He really does want what's best for us. He isn't out to keep us from winning the battles. He is out to keep us from losing them.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that You will help me have a changed heart. I pray that my heart will be purified and made beautiful for You again. Father, when the times in life come where I begin wanting You to do things my way and You do them Your way still, I get impatient and frustrated because I desire things now. Help me, God, to remember Jeremiah 29:11, that You already know the plans You have for me, and they are to prosper me... not harm me... and they are to give me hope and a future. Lord, remind me of Your deep love for me, and help me to rest in that love and never doubt it. When You tell me, "No.", or ask me to wait and trust You, I pray that I will rest in the fact that You really do love me more than I could ever know. In Jesus' Name.


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