Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Soft Heart Toward God

Hebrews 3:15, "Remember what it says: 'Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.'"

Have you ever known God was trying to speak to you, yet you kept on going about what you were doing because you didn't like what He was saying?

Rebellion in today's age is something that is spreading rapidly! This sense of, "I can do whatever I want and no one can stop me!" has been inundated into our culture, and I see the negative effects increasing every day!

You see, in the Bible we read time after time of people who chose this rebellious spirit rather than the spirit of humility, and what it led to was lots of heartache!

Within the last week or two, I remember a conversation God and I shared where He really opened my eyes to something. I had been frustrated with what was going on in my life. I remember feeling as if God was going to get His way no matter what and it didn't matter how I felt about it. It irritated me that things weren't turning out my way no matter how hard I tried to make them work.

God gently spoke to my heart and reminded me of this simple truth. "Taylor, what you need to understand is that I already see the outcome of the things you want, and I know that if I give them to you, in the end this isn't what is going to be best for you." The simple truth God reminded me of was that He really does have my best interest at heart.

After weeks of struggling to get things to go my way, I finally had a breakthrough into a place in my heart that was unable to understand up until that point. I had been running myself ragged with trying to figure out how to get my life going. I pondered questions such as, "Where can I get a full time job at? How can I find an apartment that I can afford? Should I go back to school? Should I try Christian Mingle in hopes of speeding up the dating process?" All of these questions ran through my mind. I was putting in resumes on monster.com in hopes of getting a job. I did the figures when it came to apartments and found that's not in my budget at the moment. School isn't where I feel led, and I really didn't enjoy it the last time I went. Christian Mingle... after signing up and having an account for a week or two, God impressed on my heart that I needed to allow Him to be the Author of my love story once more. In fact, God began showing me that I needed to begin allowing Him to be the Author of my life altogether once more.

I love the verse above that tells us to not harden our hearts to God's voice today.

Are you running away in rebellion? DON'T! It's so not worth it.

Dear Heavenly Father,

My prayer is that You'll help me to have a softened heart toward You. Please help me come to a place where I can hear Your still, small voice speaking to me; then, help me to listen. In Jesus' Name.


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