Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is This What God is Calling Me to Do?

Ezekiel 2:6-7, "Son of man, do not fear them or their words. Don't be afraid even though their threats surround you like nettles and briers and stinging scorpions. Do not be dismayed by their dark scowls, even though they are rebels. You must give them my messages whether they listen or not. But they won't listen, for they are completely rebellious! Son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not join them in their rebellion. Open your mouth, and eat what I give you."

God had a purpose for Ezekiel to carry out. He was sending him to the nation of Israel to tell them, "'This is what the Sovereign Lord says!'" (See verse 4). God knew that Israel was a rebellious nation, but God still sent Ezekiel. He knew the threats and looks Ezekiel was going to encounter, but God told him not to fear their words and to not join in their rebellion.

Have you ever taken a stand for God or followed what He was telling you to do and encountered threats and scowls from people?

I have.

What I've come to find is that God's road is not the most popular road to walk on.

There have been times in my life where what God was calling me to do was not looked highly upon by others around me. I've had people question my decisions and doubt that I made the correct choice.

Having people think well of me is something that I've always hoped for. Obviously, I don't want others to see me as making a bad decision. When I am in a position of choosing between having others agree with my choice or having God agree with my choice, though, I must choose to follow where God leads me even if others disagree.

I often refer back to Joyce Meyer's stories in devotionals I write. Today is another one of those days. She once shared how when she was called into full-time ministry, she lost many of her friends and even family because they didn't agree with her decision. She even got kicked out of her church.

God's been showing me lately that although I don't want to purposely do things to make people angry with me, I must choose to follow him rather than having praise from those around me.

There was a season when I tried to be who I thought I needed to be rather than simply following on the road God was calling me to walk on. I began to think that I needed to go find a full-time job rather than working part time at two jobs. I thought perhaps I should go back to college and make a career for myself. I also was trying to figure out financially how I could make enough money to move into my own place. None of these things were things I felt God's leading in. I just thought that was what someone my age was expected to do.

God hadn't called me to those things, though. He was working not on promoting me but rather on growing me. He was teaching me how to be faithful in the little things. He began laying on my heart to no longer treat my job like a job and to begin treating it as my mission field. He allowed me to get glimpses of what I'd be missing out on if what I prayed for really happened. When my parents went on vacation, I got a glimpse of what it'd be like to have my own place. It was quite lonely. In December, I will probably be working full-time hours. Although I am grateful for this, I realized the things I had to give up that month in order to take the extra hours.

In spite of all of this, the point I'm trying to make is that often times in life, the world around us isn't going to agree with us. We have to get past that and begin having our only concern be, "Is this what God is calling me to do?" If so, do it with all your heart.

Dear Heavenly Father,

It's easy to allow the voices around me to make me question if what I'm doing is the correct decision. Help me to block out those voices and listen only for Your still, small voice. When I am in the center of Your will, help me to walk that path with all my heart regardless of any scowls or threats I encounter. I pray this in Jesus' Name.


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