Friday, April 4, 2014

Keep Me Humble

Daniel 4:30, "As he looked out across the city, he said, 'Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor.'"

Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall."

King Nebuchadnezzar had a problem with pride. He began looking around at the city of Babylon and viewing it as something he had built up rather than remembering that God was the One Who had built it up.

This particular story of Nebuchadnezzar has been something I've pondered on often in the last week or so.

Recently, God has been opening doors in my life for ministry. He's blessed me with the opportunity to get a book published. He's opened a door for me to be able to sing with the worship team at college group. As He opens these doors for me, I realize how vitally important it is to remember that He is the One making these things happen... not me.

When I watch Nebuchadnezzar in this situation, I see how all it took was a perspective change for him to go from the palace to the fields.

This story is enough to make me well aware of the fact that my perspective always needs to be a realization that I am nothing without Christ.

The more God promotes me, the more humbled I become because I realize that if he steps out of these things even for a moment, it will all fall apart. That is a humbling thought! It makes me realize that the good things God is blessing me with aren't because of me... it's because He has blessed me and allowed me to be a vessel through which He uses.

If you want to know something amusing, it's that most of the time when I go to write a devotional, I have no clue what I'm going to write. Thankfully, as I sit at this computer and begin writing, God shows up and gives me words. I know that I'm called to write; but I also know that if God doesn't show up, I can do nothing.

My prayer this last week or two has been, "Keep me humble!"

Never do I want to forget that every blessing in my life has come from God... it isn't something I made happen on my own.

Dear Heavenly Father,

My prayer continues to be a short three word prayer: Keep me humble! Lord, always keep my perspective on You and remind me daily that I am nothing without You. Anything You bless me with, help me realize it is a gift from You, not something I've earned or deserve. Thank You for all of the things You've been doing in my life. I'm so grateful! I pray You'll be glorified in each of these things. In Jesus' Name.


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