Friday, May 23, 2014

The Better Thing

Luke 10:39-40, "Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, 'Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.'"

The story of Mary and Martha is one that you are probably familiar with. It's not a long story. It is one that many of us heard at a young age. Still, there is a huge lesson we can learn through these two sisters.

At church on Sunday, the pastor brought up this story, and it was a great reminder to me of what is really important. I loved how the pastor shared how it's so much more important for us to be with God than it is for us to be doing things for God. He said something like this: "Doing things for God is good, but spending time with Him is even better."

I think the reason this story means so much to me right now is because for the longest time I felt like I wasn't close to God. I knew He was there. I didn't have any known sin in my life. I was doing my best to be who God wanted me to be, but I still found myself in a place of not feeling like there was a closeness between God and myself.

In the last week or so, God has really made a difference in my life! I started a prayer journal which has helped me tremendously! There are some devotional books I began reading that break down chapters in the Bible, and this has added a depth to my time with God. Finally, I can feel my spiritual hunger beginning to be satisfied.

Looking at these things has caused me to realize that I was empty because although I was doing things for God, I wasn't taking enough time to simply sit at His feet.

As my focus shifted off of what I needed to do and onto spending intimate time with God, finally I found the better thing. I'm not suggesting we be pew potatoes. We need to go out and do what God has called us to do as His followers. However, we must not get so concerned with what we need to do that we leave out sitting at the feet of Jesus and intimately knowing Him.

Luke 10:41-42 says, "But the Lord said to her, 'My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.'"

After spending time at Jesus' feet, I then have what I need to go out and do what He's called me to do.

Have you spent time with God today?

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the story of Mary and Martha. As I read about these two sisters, I can see myself in their shoes. Sometimes I get so focused on wanting to do things for You that I leave out really spending time with You. I pray for a close relationship between us. Please be number one in my life, and help me choose the better thing... sitting at Your feet. In Jesus' Name.


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