Monday, April 30, 2012

God Power

2 Kings 6:18, "As the Aramean army advanced toward him, Elisha prayed, 'O Lord, please make them blind.' So the Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked."

Elisha was a man of God. Through him, God healed lepers, brought people back to life, produced oil from a single jar, and many more! God even struck the Aramean army with blindness when Elisha asked. Sometimes in my own life, I underestimate what god can do. There have been obstacles I've faced that seemed nothing could fix them. Recently, though, I've written down those impossible obstacles and given them to God to handle. I'm amazed at the works He's been doing. Things that were once impossible mountains are now incredible miracles. God hears your prayers, and He cares. Ask Him, and see the mighty things He can do.

Dear Lord,
  You've healed lepers, brought back people from the dead, given barren mothers children, and many more miracle have taken place through You. In my own life, You've revealed to me what You can do. You've preformed miracles in hopeless situations. Thank You for that! With each day, help me remember what You've done, and allow that to strengthen my faith in You. I love You, and thank You for caring. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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