Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Half-hearted Worship

2 Kings 17:40-41, "But the people would not listen and continued to follow their former practices. So while these new residents worshiped the Lord, they also worshiped their idols. And to this day their descendants do the same."

The descendants of Jacob worshiped the Lord, but they also worshiped other idols. God isn't interested in half-hearted worship. He doesn't want us to be lukewarm Christians. He wants us to make up our minds whose side we're on and follow that path. If we are going to serve God, we need to live our lives for that purpose 24/7. Maybe we don't have statue gods, but anything that takes up our mind, time, energy, effort, and priorities more than God becomes our god. Is God the most important priority in your life?

Dear Lord,
  I must confess that You haven't been my top priority recently. I've put friends, pleasure, and even texting above You. Please, forgive me. I desire that You're my God. I wholeheartedly commit myself to You. have Your own way in me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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