Saturday, September 29, 2012

As Time Goes On

Romans 4:18-20, "Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping-believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, 'That's how many descendants you will have!' And Abraham's faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead-and so was Sarah's womb.
"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God."

Abraham's story is my favorite Bible story of all time, and I write a journal on it at least once a year. The fact that Abraham is noted for his faith even in the midst of "impossible" circumstances is something that is outstanding to me!

In years past, I've noted God's promise to me about Him sending my husband to me. This promise was given to me three and a half years ago, and I'm still holding onto it as if it was told to me yesterday.

There have been times I've wavered in that promise, but that isn't what I want to share today. What stood out to me about this verse today was how Abraham's faith grew stronger with the more time that passed.

I used think that the more time that passed the more I'd doubt God's faithfulness to keep his promise. At first I did question God's faithfulness on the issue, but today I've noticed that my attitude has changed.

My faith now is strong enough to know beyond a shadow of any doubt that it was God who spoke to me that December night. I didn't make up something that I wanted to hear. It was God!

The more time that passes, the more I realize that God really is going to do what He said! Now, I am much less "give it to me now" oriented and much more "I don't want to settle. I'll wait longer if I have to, but I don't want to settle."

Abraham went through a season of settling. This is where he and Sarah decided to "make things work" their own way. They decided that Hagar could have the promised child. The only issue was that this wasn't how God was going to have it. He had a promise that He was going to bring about, but they had to wait on His timing and follow His guidelines.

I had moments of settling also. I had come to points where I was tired of waiting for God's go ahead and was settling with people I knew weren't chosen for me. Were they bad people? No, but they weren't the person God had orchestrated for my life.

All through the Bible, we see where falls begin. They start when we allow questions of, "Did God really say...?" to seep into our heads. "Did God really say that you can't eat that apple?" "Did God really say that you would be the father of many nations?"

When we question God, we lose our footing and make big mistakes! But as time goes on and we lean on God saying, "Lord, I'm with You. I'm not going anywhere. Bring about what You've promised, but no matter how hard it is or how long it takes, I'm Yours." In those moments, God has brought me to a point of no longer leaning on how my circumstances look but rather leaning on Him Who's never given way when I needed someone to hold me up.

Abraham learned this concept as well, because when the time was finally right for God to give Abraham his promised child, Abraham had enough faith in God to be willing to sacrifice Isaac when God asked him to.

By this time, Abraham knew Who his God was, and his faith was strong enough to trust God even with his most precious blessing!

I want to have faith like that! I want to not just know about God, but I want to know God well enough to have full faith in Him to take care of my most treasured blessing!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Where I thought my faith was going to waver with time, it's actually grown stronger. I now am fully positive that You will not forget the promise You made to me! But now I also have a more precious gift than the one I'm waiting for. I now have the gift of being closer with You through the time of leaning on, trusting in, and relying on You. Thank You for that special gift!

In Jesus' Name.


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