Friday, September 28, 2012

Want to Talk It? Walk It!

Romans 2:19-21a, "'You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness. You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God. For you are certain that God's law gives you complete knowledge and truth.

"Well then, if you teach others, why don't you teach yourself?"

When Paul wrote this, he was writing to the Jews. He saw the hazard of Jews thinking they were better than Gentiles, and he wanted to address the potential issue before it became disastrous!

You see, the Jews throughout the Bible were referred to God's chosen people. God had a special connection with the Jews which was wonderful, but it was dangerous for the Jews to think of themselves as "daddy's special child" while thinking of the Gentiles as His "kid".

Was it wrong for them to have a special bond? Not at all. I believe that a special bond with God makes religion change from being a "religion" into being a "relationship". The problem lied in the issue of the heart. When we walk close with God, that's nothing to be ashamed about, but we cannot allow that blessing to make us look at others as less.

I have a close connection with God that I absolutely adore! I find myself thinking about me being "Daddy's little girl", and I believe that to be true. But what I must remember is that the relationship God has with me, He wants that same closeness with you and every other person on earth. That doesn't make His and my relationship less special. It should make us excited that God wants a personal relationship with each of us individually.

Anyway, due to the Jew's "standing" with God, they liked to preach... There was a problem, though. They knew all the answers, but they didn't follow the same preaching they gave to others.

God's been dealing with me in this area lately. If you haven't noticed, I love to write. I post tons of statuses on facebook. Some of them are simple, every-day-life topics, but others are Bible verses, prayers, or things that God's been revealing to me personally about specific issues. Then, there are the blogs (apparently). I want to teach not by speaking, but by writing.

I noticed myself needing to take my own advice on a lot of issues, though. I knew how to preach it, but when it came to living it, I needed some major help!

God caused me to be aware of this issue, and I'm praying for His help to live the life I preach, not just to stay on a soap box all my life. In Romans 2:24, we see that the Gentiles blasphemed the name of God because of the Jews "talking the talk" but not "walking the walk".

As children of God, we have a special responsibility. People watch us (whether we know it or not), but their opinion of us doesn't just affect us. It affects how they are going to view God. How would you want God to portray you? That can be an ouch moment!

The truth is that we need God to come and change us of these hypocritical lives. We can't change ourselves, but with God, we can do all things!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I've noticed an area in my life that desperately needs help. I love to tell others about You and what You're doing in my life, but I don't necessarily always take my own advice. Help me, God, to not simply tell others what to do but to actually practice what I preach. Help me represent You in a way that I would want You to represent me!

In Jesus' Name.

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