Thursday, September 27, 2012

While Waiting to Soar

Esther 10:3, "Mordecai the Jew became the prime minister, with authority next to that of King Xerxes himself. He was very great among the Jews, who held him in high esteem, because he continued to work for the good of his people and to speak up for the welfare of all their descendants."

We've come to the end of the book of Esther. Esther has become queen, Mordecai is now in a position of having authority next to that of the king, and the Jews' lives have been saved.

This story is touching to me because I realize that Esther's story was no different than yours or mine. She started out as an orphan girl, but God saw her as royalty! God had a plan for Esther that far exceeded anything she could've ever imagined!

Had Esther seen herself as only an orphan girl, would she ever have been able to be used by God?

God had strategic alliance in Esther's life. The king panicked and divorced his first wife due to the fear of all men in his kingdom being disrespected by their wives if he stayed married to Vashti, his wife whom had disrespected him. He began to miss his wife, though, so his personal attendants had the bright idea to bring in beautiful young virgins for the king. This is where Esther's story went from ordinary to extraordinary. God now had her in a place where she was going to be a part of something huge!

 Esther had been faithful in the little things, though. In those moments of "ordinary" life, God was building her character which led to not only her being chosen to be queen, but also to her being part of the reason that the lives of the Jews were saved. Plus, her cousin Mordecai, who had adopted her, was blessed with a high position in the kingdom.

Where one person may have seen normalcy, God saw opportunity, and He is willing to use your life, as well as my own, for extraordinary things as well, if we'll let Him.

Where does God have you today? Do you seem to be in an orphanage or in a palace? Don't underestimate the power of where you're at.

Today I'm going to Lancaster again for college. This isn't what I'd call my palace, but I believe it can be where my life goes from ordinary to extraordinary! I've always wanted to be used by God for great things. My mom's told me ever since I was a little girl that she didn't see me having a small life. She doesn't want my life to stay small. She wants me to spread my wings and not simply fly but soar.

The first attempts at flight, though, aren't necessarily the most comfortable. Sometimes we fall out of the tree. But after time, we're grateful that we are no longer confined to a nest.

I desire to have a big life. My vision for my life includes being a wife and mom, publishing Christian devotional books, doing volunteer work, using the gifts and talents God's given me (such as crafts) to bless others, and reaching the world for God one person at a time.

I've struggled with the "ordinary" things in my life, though. While I'm envisioning these things, I'm in the process of learning how to fly, but I become impatient because I want to soar now...

Esther took her life one day at a time, and God eventually put her in the position to soar. He will do the same for us! Be faithful where you are today, and God will take care of your tomorrows.

Dear Heavenly Father,

In moments of what I consider "ordinary" life, you see moments of opportunity. You see not only where we're at but what you're preparing for us to do once we're faithful in the little things. Help me be faithful in what You've given me for today. So, I'm not publishing devotional books worldwide yet, but I am publishing them on my blog. So, I'm not a wife and mom yet, but You're building my character to be a wonderful one when You see the time is right. Help me as I am learning to soar to enjoy the process of where I'm at today as well.

In Jesus' Name.


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