Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Lie Called, "I'll Be Happy When..."

John 10:10, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."

Are you enjoying your life?

This may sound like a weird question, but if you're honest... are you really enjoying your life?

There are far too many Christians who seem to not enjoy thier lives. They walk around all serious... As I read this verse this morning, I realized that there have been far too many times that I haven't enjoyed the life that Jesus died for me to have.

How can I be happy, Taylor? You don't understand my situation... You're right, but I've found that regardless of my circumstances, I can still be happy if I choose to be.

I spent way too much of my life believing the lie of "I'll be happy when..." Every day I walked around waiting for "when" to come, and when it didn't, I was miserable.

At the beginning of this year, God opened a wonderful door... What was it? Joyce Meyer Ministries. At that moment of turning on the t.v. and listening to her sermons, God revealed to me that my circumstances weren't the problem. The problem lied with me. I had my focus all wrong, and He used this ministry to set me free from the lie of "I'll be happy when..."

I allowed that lie to steal so many wonderful things from me. The biggest thing that I was lacking was contentment and peace.

Now I see how true freedom isn't getting what you want. True freedom comes when you don't get what you want, and yet you still are happy.

Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy but that He came so that we could have and enjoy our lives and have them in abundance to the full till they overflowed.

I don't want to give up all that Jesus died for me to have just so I can hold onto a bad attitude.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I'm so grateful that You helped me learn that I don't need to be happy "when"; I need to be happy now! Help me focus on all that You have blessed me with, not on what I'm waiting for You to bless me with. Help me to never ever again live in the lie of "I'll be happy when..." In Jesus' Name.


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