Saturday, October 27, 2012

Too Busy for God

Matthew 22:4-5, "Again he sent other servants, saying, Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have prepared my banquet; my bullocks and my fat calves are killed, and everything is prepared; come to the wedding feast. But they were not concerned and paid no attention [they ignored and made light of the summons, treating it with contempt] and they went away--one to his farm, another to his business..."

Jesus has given all of us an invitation: we are invited to have a relationship with Him.

In Matthew 22, He shares a parable that talks about a wedding feast that the king gave to his son. The king sent his servants to summon those who had been invited to the wedding banquet. The problem was that they refused to come.

When they refused to come, the king tried once more to summon them, but still, "...they were not concerned and paid no attention..."

He said that those who were invited were not worthy, so he sent his servants out to invite to the wedding feast as many as they could find.

As I read this story this morning, I had to ask myself an important question: "Do I have time for God?" Now, of course, we all have time for God, but do we actually take that time for God?

I've found it more difficult to balance life in the past year with things getting more busy. There's time with God, work, chores, errands, Etsy, college, friendships, family life, and sleep that I'm trying to schedule in to the 24 hours I'm given each day.

As I look at this list, it doesn't seem very extensive, but each of these things takes a good amount of time. Now the question is, which of the things on this list are the most important to me?

Yesterday, I got busy. I woke up and started my day at four in the morning. After getting ready, I turned on a sermon on t.v. before I headed out to stay with a friend, go to work, clean my grandparent's house, and return home. What I didn't do, though, was take the time to actually sit down and read my Bible.

When I arrived back home last night, I still didn't take the time to really draw in to the Word of God.

I went to bed that night and still hadn't spent very much time with the most important person in my life... God.

When I woke up this morning, I had to go sit down and pray. I realized that I had been like the people who were invited to the banquet but had gone back to what they were doing instead of taking the matter seriously.

The God of the universe has invited all of us to come and draw near to Him. He wants to spend every day with us, yet as Americans, we make excuses of why we are too busy for God. I used that excuse yesterday, and by the end of the day, what was I? Too tired.

Today, I've found that I never again want to go through the day without taking time to spend with the most important One in my life: my Heavenly Father.

I don't want to ignore the wedding feast that I'm invited to.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today You showed me the importance of not ignoring Your invitation for me to come and draw near to You. I must admit that there have been too many times that I've allowed distractions of life to take higher priority in my life than You, and I was wrong. Lord, I never want to go through another day without spending time with You. Help me know what is most important and put aside those things that don't truly matter.

In Jesus' Name.


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