Saturday, November 3, 2012

Where Are You?

Romans 8:28, "We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose."

A few days ago, God showed me how He was there all along in a situation that I felt He had been a thousand miles away in.

It's no secret that, about six months ago, I broke out in severe acne. It wasn't something that progressively came. I had clear skin, and before I knew it, it was all broke out.

I tried to reason what I had changed. We thought that it was simply a rash or an allergic reaction to something, but no matter what we changed to fix the problem, nothing helped. Then we reasoned that it was from stress, but even after life mellowing out, the break out didn't ease up. I went to the doctor, and the medicine made it worse. Afraid of going back, I tried every face wash you could imagine, and nothing got better. Finally, I broke down and went back to the doctor to get referred to a dermatologist, and I now see a change in my complexion, which I praise God for every day!

In the midst of this situation, I had prayed for God to heal me. I knew that all He'd have to do was say the word, and I'd be healed. I went to bed one night with expectation of waking up with clear skin, but when I awoke, that wasn't at all what I found. Nothing had gotten better. Then I broke down asking God why He wouldn't heal me. I knew that my prayer had been heard, but I couldn't grasp why God was not saying "Be healed!"

I knew that I  needed to do my part, so after praying, I went and did the things I knew I could do which were to try face wash and to go to a dermatologist.

Anyway, so finally I arrive at the dermatologist. They tell me that they have a medication that is almost guaranteed to heal acne permanently, but it will take five months after starting the treatment for the full effect. They needed three proofs of acne medications that failed in order for my insurance to pay for it, though.

Thankfully, the doctor had already given me exactly the amount of medications I needed that didn't work so this way the dermatologist could give me the medication he was talking about.

A few days ago, I looked at the skin on my face and thanked God that, although it wasn't completely healed, it was  finally looking normal again. I said, "Lord, I know this medication is helping, but I truly know that You are the One enabling this medicine to work with my body to actually heal me."

As I prayed that prayer, God opened my eyes to how He was really there all along through this season of me praying for healing and wondering how exactly God was working in all of this.

He showed me how He had lead me to the doctor and lead me through all the right steps in order to get the medicine that will take away my acne permanently. He also revealed to me that although this season wasn't one I enjoyed, in the long run it would benefit me because after this, I won't have this problem anymore.

It was such an encouraging time for me when I got to see how God really was there all along, and He was working in this situation even though I couldn't see it for a long time.

This isn't the first time in my life where God has revealed to me after the fact how He was right there working in my life all along. There have been multiple times where I begged God for something that was so important to me, and I couldn't see why He wasn't answering like I wanted Him to until after the fact, and I got to see the bigger picture. Then, I praise Him that He didn't do what I thought I wanted.

There's a song that I recently heard that I'm going to attach at the bottom of this. It talks about how not for a moment will God forsake us. It spoke to my heart today and related to this entire devotional amazingly well. I hope it touches your heart as much as it touched mine!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You that You don't ever leave me, even for a moment. Thank You for never forsaking me! I'm so grateful, God, that You were there all along in the good times as well as the bad ones. Lord, I'm so glad that You are constant! Thank You for working in my life always, even when I can't see You there.

In Jesus' Name.


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