Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Constant

Psalm 9:10, "And they who know Your name [who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy] will lean on and confidently put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of and for) You [on the authority of God's Word and the right of their necessity]."

Look back for a moment at all the things God has done in you life...

As I recall what He has done in my life, I see times where I was in despair, and He came to my rescue. I see Him putting a shield of protection around me when I was in harm's way. I see Him staying by my side when I was going through the valley, and I see Him doing what was best for me even when there were times I couldn't understand.

The verse above talks about how those who know God's name "[who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy]" would lean on and confidently put their trust in God. Why? Because they remembered that He had never forsaken them.

When I read this verse, what came to my mind was, "I've had experience and acquaintance with God's mercy, and I know that God has never forsaken me. Do I lean on God AND confidently put my trust in Him?"

Looking back at all the times God has come through for me, it wouldn't make sense for me to not confidently put my trust in Him, yet sometimes I don't confidently put my trust in Him.

Many times, I say, "I know God COULD do anything, but I just don't trust that He is going to do things my way."

 Could God answer my prayer with a "Yes!"? Of course! He's God. But then I ask, "Well, is He going to answer my prayer with a "Yes!"? We aren't promised that He will.

 As I get older, I see how life changes so fast! Some of the changes are things I like, while others are things I wish wouldn't change.

There are people that I don't want to lose. There are circumstances that are comfortable that I don't want to leave, but there is a time for everything, and I have to trust that when God says it's time to move on that He will not lead me into a bad place... Just a different one.

At other times, I've wanted God to change things faster. When I was growing up, all I ever dreamed of was becoming an adult and taking on the role of a wife and mom. I counted down the days, months, and years leading to adulthood, but once I reached the technical age of an adult, it hit me that now I would become a wife and mom all too soon, and I knew my familiar life would be making drastic changes in the near future.

All of these changes have lead me to realize that there is only One constant in my life, and that is God Himself. Everything else in life is unstable and ever changing, but He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe that God made us to need constant, and thus He chose to be our Constant so that we would always lean on and confidently trust in Him.

Recently there have been some things in my life that are uncertain. There are people that I don't want to lose, yet I have the possibility of losing them. Then, I am about to finish up this semester of college, and I'm unsure of what step to take next. When I look at my uncertainties, I worry. But then God recaptures my attention and tells me, "Taylor, remember all the times in your life that I came through for you. I'm not going to fail you now."

I believe that all through life there will be at least one thing that can steal our peace, but at the same time, all through life there will be One Who will be our Constant. All He asks is that we would lean on and confidently trust in Him. The choice is ours. He is waiting for us to come near to Him and accept Him as our Constant.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Out of all the qualities You have, You being my Constant is quite honestly one of my favorites! Lord, in an ever changing world, I'm so grateful that You never change and are always with me even until the end of the age. I pray that, through my entire life, You'll remind me, just as You have recently, of all the times that You've come through for me and that You will not fail me now.

In Jesus' Name.


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