Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Vital Need

Psalm 70:4, "May all those who seek, inquire of and for You, and require You [as their vital need] rejoice and be glad in You; and may those who love Your salvation say continually, Let God be magnified!"

Psalm 70:4 talks about God needing to be the One we seek, the One we inquire of and for, and the one we require as our vital need.

To break this verse down from the beginning, what does it mean to seek God? Well, when we seek something, we are really looking for it wholeheartedly. How can we do so with God? Look for Him in your every day lives.

Next, we are told to inquire of and for Him. To inquire of and for God, we must find out what God's will is in every detail of our lives. Get God involved in the big things as well as the small things of your life. There is a preacher who said that one day she was trying to curl her hair, but there was one piece that no matter how many times she tried to curl it, that piece would continue to go flat. She then prayed for God to help that piece of hair curl. Guess what! It did. God doesn't just care about the seemingly big things in your life. He cares about the seemingly insignificant things as well.

Finally, we reach the part about requiring God as our vital need. This is the main point I want to talk about today. A vital need is something you cannot live without.Oxygen would be a vital need. We can't live if we can't breathe. Water is a vital need. Without water, our bodies soon die. Food is a vital need. If we can't eat, we won't be able to survive for a very long time. You get the point.

When we are told to make God our vital need, we need to make Him the number one necessity in our lives. Psalm 69:32b says, " who seek God, inquiring for and requiring Him [as your first need], let your hearts revive and live!" We need God for our spiritual health.

There have been times that I've tried to fill the God shaped hole inside of me with things other than God. I've tried to fill it with entertainment, food, etc., but the main thing that I'd end up trying to fill the God shaped hole inside of me with was other relationships. I've found myself seeking what I need in friends who can never satisfy. Why? Because they aren't God.

Recently I was starting to look for what I needed in God in other relationships instead, and I found myself empty inside. No matter how wonderful the people in my life were, I still had an unsatisfied longing for something more. My problem was that I had taken the needs that I had to people instead of laying them at the foot of the cross.

As I prayed, God helped me get my vital need out of people and back into Him. Now, I'm once again being filled up instead of feeling empty all the time.

The problem with trying to find what we need in other people, or in anything other than God for that matter, is that it will never fully satisfy. It may quench the hunger pain for a moment, but that hunger that you have for God will come back sooner than later.

I encourage you to ask yourself where your vital need is. Where are you finding the things that you're starving for?

Often times when I ask God to fill me, He will use a person to come by my side and be His instrument, but the difference is that I am requiring God to be my vital need, not someone or something else.

Are you tired of the hunger pains? Me too. Let's go to the One Who can truly satisfy.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for being all that I need. Thank You that I don't have to ever lack anything because You are my everything. Forgive me for trying to fill the God shaped hole inside of me with things other than You. I pray that You will be the One I seek, the One I inquire of and for, and most importantly become the One I require as my vital need. In Jesus' Name.


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