Monday, December 17, 2012

I Don't Need to Know because I Know the One Who Knows

Psalm 69:3, "I am weary with my crying: my throat is parched; my eyes fail with waiting [hopefully] for my God."

Waiting on God... Have you found this to be one of the more difficult things you face at times?

As human beings, especially as Americans, we like things to happen NOW! We don't enjoy waiting. If we have to wait in line for even a half an hour we just about go insane!

I too struggle with waiting. I have a schedule that I'd like to stick to, and when God's timing is not the way I thought it would be, I begin to panic because I think, "This is taking too long!"

God's really been working in my heart this past year about finding peace and contentment right where I'm at today. He's grown me a lot! So, I have to keep reminding myself that although I'm not where I want to be, I'm not where I used to be either.

I still have days where I struggle with waiting on God, though, so I wanted to share this devotional. Also, after listening to other people, I've found that I'm not the only one who has a difficult time with this.

Last night was one of those nights where I found myself growing weary with waiting for God's timing. I've noticed that I do okay until I get tired, and then I have a more difficult time with this. Anyway, I prayed and talked to God about it, and He comforted me, reminding me of the good plan He has for me. Well, when I woke up and read my devotional this morning, it talked about how we needed to not try to figure things out so much. Rather, we needed to believe God and trust Him. It said that trying to figure things out and think them to death will not bring peace. The only way for us to have peace is to believe God. After I read this, I knew that this was no accident. God had it in store for me to read that this morning! I was amazed, and then He laid on my heart to say this simple phrase that brings so much peace, "I don't need to know because I know the One Who knows."

One conversation after another with people has lead me to realize that we spend way too much time trying to understand why God does things or doesn't do things. We try to figure out why something is happening in one person's life while it isn't happening in our own. "What are we doing wrong?!?" we ask. Do you want to know the answer to that? Here it is. God has an individual plan for every one of us. Our lives weren't meant to be like so and so's. Our lives were planned by God since the beginning of time, and they were all made to be unique.

As I let go of the thinking and pondering and I say, "Okay, God. You've got me this far. You're not going to fail me now. I trust You, and I'm done trying to figure Your plan out." I find peace that surpasses human understanding. I no longer have to understand or know what is going to happen next because I know the One Who knows.

Maybe what has been wrong all along is that we have spent too much time trying to understand what God is doing rather than spending time getting to know God.

If you are weary and getting tired of waiting, I encourage you today to speak this simple phrase, "I don't need to know because I know the One Who knows." Just try it. I can assure you that if you can release your desire to know and just rest in knowing God, your peace will surely increase!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for reminding me today that You are certainly in control and You have a plan, but I don't need to know what that plan is. I don't need to understand tomorrow, because You already know what tomorrow brings, and You've got it under control. Help me be able to rest entirely in knowing not what You're going to do, but rather in knowing Who You are. In Jesus' Name.


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