Monday, December 31, 2012

Questioning God

Genesis 3:1, "Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?"

Questioning God... this is a very dangerous place to be!

When humans began questioning God, the first sin was about to happen. When we begin asking, "Did God really say...?" "Did God really mean that?" "Well, maybe God didn't mean for us to take that literally." we open a door for the enemy to begin filling our minds with lies and deception.

The verse above shares how the serpent (the devil) was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field. He didn't come right out and say that God was a liar in so many words. He said the same thing in a more subtle and crafty way.

What we can see is that God is certainly not a liar. What He says is true, and His promises never fail.

When it came to Adam and Eve, they stopped taking God at His word and began reasoning with the thought of, "Could God really be holding out on us?"

Here God is... He has just made the entire universe. He's created the light and the darkness, the  night and day, the fish of the sea, the birds of the air... the whole world. Now He has made man in His own image and placed them in Eden [delight]. Adam and Eve are in this perfect place that God has created for them, but then they begin questioning if God could really be holding out on them.

Sadly, there have been times in my life where I've allowed the crafty, subtle voice of Satan to creep in and ask me questions of, "Is God's plan really to prosper me and not to harm me? Is what He is doing really to give me hope and a future." At that very moment, I've allowed wrong thinking to come in and persuade me to make a bad decision.

We need to know what the Word of God says about things in order to fight off the enemy's subtle and crafty lies. When Satan asks, "Did God really say...?" We can respond with with a definite, "Yes! My God says this, and I believe what He says, so get behind me Satan."

Dear Heavenly Father,

No matter what my reasoning mind says, what You say in Your Word is what I need to listen to. Help me to not listen to the enemy's lies. Rather, help me to stand on Your Word and fully trust you no matter what my eyes see.

In Jesus' Name.

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