Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Resting in God's Will

Proverbs 19:21, "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

The last couple of days, verses such as the one above have been on my heart! As I've thought of these verses, I've realized that we all have plans, dreams, and desires for our lives, but what truly matters is God's plan for our lives.

There are certain things in my own life right now that I have hopes for.

My boyfriend and I greatly desire to be able to get married soon! We both are waiting for things to work out where we can have a good foundation financially before we begin our married life, but we keep praying that God will work it out for us to be able to get married in the near future!

Another hope that I have is to be able to get a job at the Pregnancy Center. That type of ministry has been on my heart for years, and I would love to be able to become even more involved in that ministry!

Both of the dreams I described above are good dreams. They're godly dreams. What I must remember, though, is that God has His own plan for Michael's and my life, and He has His own plan on where He wants me to work. What I must do is trust God with my dreams and desires.

Have I sat back and done nothing since the results are in God's hands anyway? Of course not! I've done my part. Right now, I'm doing what I can to save money so that we can save toward getting married. Today, I went and talked to the people at the Pregnancy Center about becoming part of the staff there, and I am taking the steps I can to do my part. Prayer is another big part of what is going on here! I've prayed that if this is where God wants me that He will pave the way before me and open a door for me to walk through.

A verse that I find comfort in is Proverbs 16:3 which says: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

As I commit to the Lord what I do, I trust He will make a straight path for me! This does not mean that He will make everything go my way. I don't know how long it will be before Michael and I get married, but I do know that as long as we put God first and have Him in the center of our relationship, He will establish our plans in the way He knows is best! I don't know what is going to be the answer to my desire to start working at the Pregnancy Center, but I do know that regardless of the outcome, it will be what God desires because I've already committed my way to Him. I trust that if the answer is yes, then that is where He wants me to be; and if the answer is no, I trust that He has another plan for me.

What plans do you have for your life? I encourage you to commit your way to the Lord and watch Him make His plans for you unfold in your life!

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know the plans, dreams, and desires that are in my heart! I've been open with You about them in prayer, and I know You've heard me. Lord, You've shown me that it is fine for me to have plans, but I need to remember that what You have in store for me is what really matters. Regardless of the outcome of my circumstances, I pray that everything in my life will go according to Your will. Thank You, Lord, that Your ways and thoughts are higher than my own!

In Jesus' Name I pray.


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