Friday, June 21, 2013


Psalm 12:2, "To his neighbor each one speaks words without use or worth or truth; with flattering lips and double heart [deceitfully] they speak."

How many of you know that our words are huge? With our words, we lift people up, we communicate with others, we express how we feel, and we share what is going on in our lives. Sadly, at times we use our words to say cutting statements, to gossip, or to make promises we don't keep. In many ways, our words are wonderful tools, while in other ways they are things that lead us into a lot of messes due to our lack of self-control.

In Psalm 12, David started off by saying, "Help, Lord! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men." David was seeing how people were not valuing their words. People were quick to speak and quick to leave. They talked a lot, but you couldn't count on them to stay with you. Verse 4 says, "Those who say, With our tongues we prevail; our lips are our own [to command at our will] -- who is lord and master over us?"

People were becoming proud. They were the center of their own universe, and they didn't care about anyone other than themselves.

I can almost assure you that we've all dealt with the pain of someone not keeping their word or lying to us. In those moments, it's hard to keep believing when honest people truly do come around. We build up callouses to try to keep our hearts from hurting again.

We do have hope to hold onto, though.

Psalm 12:6 says, "The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over."

Although people don't always keep their word, God always does. What He tells us is trustworthy and reliable. We don't have to question if He really meant what He said, and we don't have to fear that He is going to change His mind about His promises to us.

We need to be careful that we value our words. They are very important, and we must not take them lightly.

As I read through the Old Testament, I see the blessings that fathers would put on their sons before they passed away. Those statements spoken over their family members were so real that what was spoken really happened. We can build people up and bless them with our words, or we can use them to tear them down to nothing.

Today, I must remember to think about my words very carefully before I open my mouth.

Dear Heavenly Father,

The gift You've given us of communicating with words can truly be a blessing, but sometimes I know we use our words to hurt others rather than build them up. I am guilty of this at times, and I need Your forgiveness and Your help to do better. I pray that You will help us use our words to bless others rather than to curse them. I ask this in Jesus' Name.


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