Thursday, October 10, 2013

No More Wavering

Jeremiah 26:14, "As for me, I am in your hands-do with me as you think best."

God gave Jeremiah a message about Judah and Jerusalem that he was to tell to the people. When he told the people, their response was, "Kill him!" (see verse 8). They didn't like that Jeremiah's prophecy was against their city. They thought of him as being a traitor because of this. Jeremiah didn't waver in doing what God told him to do, though. Rather, his response was, "As for me, I am in your hands-do with me as you think best."

Now that is what I call devotion to God!

Have you ever been in such a position as Jeremiah was? You could either blend in and have momentary comfort or stand out and have momentary persecution.

What was it that made Jeremiah so bold?

After verse 14, Jeremiah continued saying, "But if you kill me, rest assured that you will be killing an innocent man! The responsibility for such a deed will lie on you, on this city, and on every person living in it. For it is absolutely true that the Lord sent me to speak every word you have heard." (verse 15).

 Jeremiah knew beyond a shadow of any doubt that he was obeying the Lord and saying what God had told him to say. He didn't wonder if maybe he got it wrong. He knew what God said to do, and he did it without question.

Have you ever found yourself having a thought pop in your mind asking, "Did God really say?"

That question is one that started in the very beginning of time. The serpent in the Garden of Eden asked Eve this same thing... "Did God really say?"

In that moment, if we choose to dwell on that thought, it's easy to waver in what we once stood so firm in.

This makes me think of Abraham. He was a man whom God promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. What was the problem with this? Abraham didn't have any kids at the time. He was getting up there in age as it was, and if this wasn't bad enough, it was 20 years from the time he received the promise to the time he saw the promise come to pass. However, the Bible says in Romans 4:20, "Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God."

We have to be assured that what God tells us to do or promises for us is reliable and true. We cannot waver. Once we are firm in believing God and knowing that we are doing what He says to do, we will then be able to say with Jeremiah, "As for me, I am in your hands-do with me as you think best." At that point, people no longer have control over us. We are fully surrendered to God and entrusted into His hand.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me to not waver in what You tell me to do and what You promise for my life. Let there be no doubt in my mind. Rather, let my faith and trust in You be ever so strong and growing stronger. With every opportunity I have to either have a moment of comfort in blending in or a moment of persecution in standing out, help me choose the narrow road that You call me to walk on. In Jesus' Name.


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