Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Bigger Dream

Isaiah 55:8-9, "'My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,' says the Lord. 'And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just at the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.'"

Yesterday, as I was on my way to pick up Robert from soccer practice, I was praying. Something was different about this conversation with God, though. I noticed something in my heart had changed. My prayer had a different feel to it this time.

This is what came out of my mouth that sounded so different than any of the other prayers I've prayed before. It was this: "Lord, I've told You my dreams for my life a million times, but today I'm asking You to share Your dreams for my life with me. What do You dream for my life?"

So simple, yet so God orchestrated.

You see, I believe we all have dreams for our life. There are things we want to see, experiences we hope to have come true for us someday, and there is something inside of us that yearns for something specific. Whatever that may be for you, I have to believe there is something that comes to mind for everyone individually when thinking about "their dream".

I don't want to make it sound like dreams are bad. Dreams are good. It's wonderful to have things that we hold onto that are our dreams that we see through to the end. What I found in my own life, though, was that I sometimes turn my healthy dreams into unhealthy idols.

The prayer I prayed yesterday evening was one that came after many times of me not wanting to surrender my dreams to God. What He is revealing to me a little more each day, though, is that the dreams He dreams for me are far beyond anything I could ever ask Him for and think up on my own.

I had an analogy come to mind about this subject. If you've ever been around a baby during a birthday or Christmas and you watched them open a package, you'll know that babies are far more interested in the wrapping paper than they are in the actual gift that they receive. Here are people who have gone and found this adorable gift for their baby. They've put time, money, and thought into this present, yet all the baby wants is the torn up, shredded wrapping paper. What was laid on my heart was how many times I am just like the baby with the wrapping paper. God has this marvelous present He can't wait for me to open, but I am so focused on the wrapping paper that I miss out on the gift He has in store all together.

As I prayed that prayer I shared with you, I noticed my perspective change. There was hope and freedom and joy found in the simple choice to surrender my will, my dreams, and my plans. Later my prayer was this: "God, I want to go on an adventure with You." and "Lord, take my dreams and replace them with Your dreams for me."

Is there something in your life that you can think of that you want more than anything else? Are you holding onto it for dear life?

I've shared, in probably 90% of my devotionals, my dream. What is my dream? You guessed it... to be a wife and mom. Ask just about anyone who's ever talked to me, and they can most likely tell you that's very much my dream. Is this a bad dream? Of course not. The problem I run into is that right now isn't the right time for that. When we have dreams, we tend to want them and to want them yesterday. Patience is not popular when it comes to having dreams come true.

A revelation that God gave to Joyce Meyer was this: "You've asked for a lot from Me. Do you want it?"

What I've asked for from God isn't just to be a wife and mom. I've asked for a husband who loves God more than anything else and who puts Him first in all he does. That, although it sounds relatively simple, is a very big deal. Do I really want it? Apparently! This means I have to do things God's way, though, and be patient until God says it's time.

But what about today?

This is where the fun part comes in. This is where I find that God's dreams are far greater than my dreams for me. He has an adventure He's just waiting to go on with me. He has a dream for me that far surpasses any of my hopes and aspirations for my life. He has these dreams for you too. Are you ready to give God your dreams in exchange for His?

Dear Jesus,

What You've revealed to me is that Your dreams and plans for me are far greater than any of the dreams I have for my life. God, sometimes when I ask You for things, all I can see is the wrapping paper when what You have in store for me is the package inside. Help me not be so distracted with the wrapping paper. Rather, let me let that go and grab onto what You are so aching to give. I ask this in Jesus' Name.


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