Friday, October 4, 2013

A God-shaped Hole

John 4:13-14, "Jesus replied, 'Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.'"

Over the last few days, there has been a song on my heart called "Hungry". Now, this song isn't talking about physical hunger. It is talking about coming to Jesus empty and broken and waiting on Him to fill us.

As I listen to the words in this song, I am reminded of the fact that only God can satisfy the deepest longings of my heart.

When we are hungry, we don't go to an auto store in search of food. We don't go to a hardwood store either. If we're looking for food, we go to a place that will satisfy that need such as a grocery store or a restaurant.

Something amazes me, though. When I am empty inside emotionally, often times I don't go looking in the right places for satisfaction. When I should be turning to God to fill me up, I instead turn to busying myself or longing for someone to come along to fill the emptiness inside my longing heart.

There's a story in John 4 where Jesus tells a Samaritan woman that if she drinks of the water He gives she will never thirst again.

Initially, this woman is thinking about water that will quench her physical thirst. What Jesus was talking about was her thirsty soul, though.

Inside of us is a God-shaped hole that only He can fill. We can attempt to fill that hole inside of us with other things, and for a time they may even seem to satisfy. Eventually, we find ourselves longing once again, though.

There are many moments where I catch myself with an ache in my heart that is longing for more. As long as I am running to other things for satisfaction, I never find true wholeness. Thankfully, the moment I run into the arms of Jesus, I find everything I was looking for. There no longer is a void in my life. What I thought I was missing is finally found.

I once heard someone talk about how the God-shaped hole inside of us is like a bottomless pit that is never satisfied unless God is placed there.

Perhaps you have found your heart to be hungry. If so, I encourage you to run into the arms of Jesus. There is nothing else that can truly satisfy and make you never thirst again.

Dear Jesus,

It's not secret to You the amount of times I attempt to fill the God-shaped hole inside of me with things other than You. Lord, I run to success, relationships, physical looks, and business in attempts to find wholeness while all along You're crying out to me to run into Your arms and find fullness. Jesus, every time I run to things of this world I find myself thirsty all over again; yet, when I run to You, that thirst is quenched for good. Remind me of that often, and help me to only put You in that God-shaped hole.

In Jesus' Name,

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