Sunday, November 24, 2013

God's GPS

Psalm 32:8, "The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'"

There is a marvelous invention that came out in the recent years. This invention is known as a GPS.

Perhaps you are gifted in the area of directions, but I unfortunately am directionally challenged. My mom and I call our trips along roads we weren't supposed to be on "scenic routes". We often travel on these routes when we go out of town. We do eventually make it to our intended destination, but we get there after taking a few "scenic routes".

God oftentimes uses the experiences in my life to give me new devotions to share. Once again, He took my directionally challenged circumstances and gave me something to write about.

My mom has something similar to a GPS system on her phone. One day, she handed the phone to me and asked me to help with the directions. (This is not a job I'm asked to do anymore.)

Moments after I took the phone, a little voice came from the speakers that spoke this one simple word: "Re-routing". I knew all too well what this meant. I had given the wrong directions. Now, we were about to take a road we weren't supposed to take, and we were going to have to re-route.

This isn't the only story I have from my directionally-challenged story collection, but it is enough to make my point.

God showed me how just as I gave wrong directions and had to be re-routed in that car, God sometimes has to re-route my life as well when I take a wrong turn.

You see, God has a plan for our lives, but when we take roads we weren't supposed to take, our trip takes longer due to us now having to be re-routed.

Psalm 32:8 has been my verse for the last few days. I'm so grateful that He promises to lead me along the best pathway for my life. I'm also glad that when I take a wrong turn it doesn't mean my life is over. Rather, God re-routes me and continues me on the path that leads to my final destination.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You and I both know that my sense of direction is not good, and I often-times hear my GPS say, "Re-routing." Sometimes in my journey with You I get off Your path and have to be re-routed too. Forgive me for those times of me choosing poorly, and thank You for not giving up on me but rather re-routing me to get me where You have planned. In Jesus' Name.


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