Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Is Hard to See From Ground-Level

Colossians 1:16-17, "...for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see-such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. he existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."

The other day, I took my first plane ride. We came to Oklahoma from California to see my brother graduate from boot camp. While on the plane, God opened my eyes to something I couldn't see as clearly from ground-level... the world is huge!

Flying up above the clouds looking down over everything, then looking up and either seeing blue sky or more clouds... all I could think was how small I was in comparison with everything God has made.

There's a song that I've thought about often lately. It's called "Who Am I?"

This song starts out with the question, "Who am I that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name... would care to feel my hurt?"

As I sat in the seat of that airplane and looked out the window to see another glimpse of God's beautiful creation, I thought the same thing... who am I?

Who am I that someone so huge would care to know me?

Who am I that God would want to not only know me but would go as far as to send His Son to die for me?

Being up in that sky made me ponder these things, and it made me realize just how great our God... my God... really is.

Realizing that God holds all creation together and holds my world together all at the same time blows my mind. Thinking about how He made things that are so vast such as oceans and canyons and the universe while taking time to pay attention to tiny cells I can't even see is hard to grasp.

To think that what God has made is bigger than I can even comprehend has made me realize that God is truly incredible. He cares about the things that seem huge all the way down to the things that seem insignificant at best.

Do you want to know something remarkable? He cares about every detail of our lives as well. He cares about the mountains and mole hills that we face. The greatest part is He is big enough for all of it. Nothing is too big or too small for Him.

If you're doubting that God can take care of you, perhaps it's time for a change in perspective. Maybe you need to hop on a plane as I did. Perhaps you should take a minute to walk along the beach. If neither of those are options, you could simply take a minute and look at your fingerprint. Even with all He created, God took time to make your fingerprint different than any other person's fingerprint ever.

Who am I?

In myself, I am nothing, but because of Christ, I am a daughter of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of all the earth.

He died to know you, and He died to know me.

I now can understand even more what Psalm 19:1 means. "The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship." Then verses 3-4a.: "They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world."

This week, God used what He made to open my eyes wider to what I couldn't see well before.

Although I'm small, He cares for me. that doesn't show how great I am. That reveals all the more how great God is. Also, no matter what I face, it's not too big or too small for my God.

 Dear Heavenly Father,

Sometimes it takes a plane ride to see things clearly. I had to look above ground-level to see that what's so big in my eyes is not too big for You. Thank You for giving me worth. Thank You for reminding me how great You are. I love You, Lord. I'm eternally grateful that You love me enough to make me Your child... a daughter of the King. In Jesus' Name.


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