Monday, November 4, 2013

When Walking Through A Fire

Psalm 37:7a, "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act."

Have you ever experienced a time in your life where you felt your hope fading? Perhaps it was just a moment or perhaps it was something building over time.

I have been blessed by God with many wonderful things in my life. I have a godly family. They love me and are always there for me. I have a good relationship with God. My church family is such a gift, and I have people in my life that I'm blessed to call my friends.

There are moments in my life, though, when I feel my hope drifting away, and there are times that circumstances arise that challenge me. The last couple days have been particularly challenging on my heart. Sometimes there are things that we have to let go of that we know aren't good for us, yet they are familiar and a part of our comfort zone.

I had a friendship that was slowly dying get to the point that I needed to let it go. I've been faced with the cross-road of taking the fast-track and getting momentary pleasure or waiting for what God has for me and being still for a little longer.

My heart has been tried, and I'm ready for God to make His appearance known NOW, not in time.

Psalm 37:7 is the verse God gave to me when I was finding myself in the pit of despair. He showed me that I needed to be still in His presence and wait PATIENTLY for him to act.

What God revealed to me was that He was working on my behalf. He hadn't forgotten me. He wasn't out to get me. He was moving in my life and very aware of what was going on. What He needed me to do was to be still and wait for Him to act instead of taking matters into my own hands.

If you've ever found yourself in a pit, I'm sure you'll agree with me that you don't even want to be there let alone stay there while You're waiting for God to bail you out of it. Sometimes we have to walk through scary places. Psalm 23:4 says, "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me."

Often times I want God to deliver me from the fire rather than walking me through the fire. It's in those moments of being in the fire that we are refined, though.

 A song that I've been holding onto is "Lift My Life Up".

I love the beginning verse where it says, "You've brought me this far, so why would I question You now?"

When I am in the midst of a dark valley, it's hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully, if I look back, I can see God's track-record of faithfulness.

Maybe you too are walking through a dark valley that is frightening or discouraging. If so, keep hanging onto God, being still, and waiting patiently for Him to act. You're not forgotten.

Dear Heavenly Father,

The fires in my life are not comfortable. I'd like to walk through peaceful meadows always rather than walking through dark valleys. In the midst of that, though, I know I don't have to be afraid even in the darkest valleys because You are with me. Bring peace like a river. Refine me, and bring me through this moment of difficulty. In Jesus' Name.


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