Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Question

Psalm 14:2, "The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God."

A question was laid upon my heart. This question was a revolutionary question to me. It was one of those eye-opener questions which left an impression.

The question that I believe God asked me in His still, small voice was this: "What if you sought Me as much as you seek your husband?"

There are many verses throughout the Bible that talk about seeking God. One of the more familiar ones is Jeremiah 29:13 which says, "If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Another one that is often memorized is Matthew 6:33. It says, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

Seeking God is one of those things that I wondered what exactly it looked like to do so. I wondered what it truly meant to seek Him. How do you do that?

When the question that I shared above was laid on my heart, I finally had an answer.

With that one question, God shed light on something that was blurry to me. Pondering what was laid upon my heart made me think about the ways I seek my husband.

My desire to meet him and be with him is so great that I'm constantly wondering if today will be the day he walks into my life. I look for him when I go places to see if he stands out. From the grocery store... to church... to work, everywhere I go I keep a look out wondering if any of the people along my path are him. I don't want to miss him.

As I thought about this, God gave me more things to think about. He gave me a bigger glimpse of what it would look like for me to be seeking Him.

What if I looked for Him in the grocery store... at church... at work?

What if I looked for ways He was blessing me? What if I looked for ways He was trying to get my attention to be a blessing to someone else? What if I saw Him in the mundane things of life and looked for those extraordinary moments when He'd show up?

As I think about this, I realize that God is always showing up, but oftentimes I'm too busy not paying attention to notice.

Just a couple days ago, God showed up for me, and this time I noticed. I threw the razor away in the bathroom and forgot to replace it. We had stored some of them in a cupboard in there and kept the rest outside. I remembered taking the last one from inside, though, and I found myself with a problem when I realized I had forgot to replace the razor. I was nearly certain the last razor was already used, but I opened the cupboard we had stored a couple in before, and there lay a razor which I know wasn't there before.

This may sound coincidental or perhaps I sound crazy, but neither is true.

You may think that this sounds like a funny story to see God in, but it's not. In that moment, I saw how God had shown up for me in a way that would've seemed unimportant to most. To God, however, He cares even about the little things.

When I begin seeking God, I find that He really does show up. It's so true that when we seek Him, we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart.

Maybe you aren't seeking a husband. We're all seeking something, though. What are you seeking? When you think of that one thing that is so important to you that you always have it on your mind, ask yourself this question: "What if I sought God as much as I'm seeking _____?"

This question just might revolutionize your life. It's certainly left a lasting impression on mine.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Recently this question was laid upon my heart: "What if you sought God as much as you seek your husband?" This one simple question stuck with me and opened my eyes greatly. Lord, You whispered this to my heart and began showing me what it would look like if I was seeking You the same way. What if I looked for You in all the places I look for the man You are sending to me? What if I saw You in my everyday life just like I hope to see him somewhere along the path in my everyday life? I pray You'll help me seek You more and more. Help me seek You in everything. I don't want to miss You, Lord. I pray this in Jesus' Name.
