Thursday, January 23, 2014

Write Your Story (inspired by Francesca Battistelli's song)

Romans 9:21, "When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn't he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into?"

Have you ever seen two people who are exactly the same?

It's amazing to me the places God decides to speak to my heart in. I was at Joann's looking for some yarn, and of all the things I could've noticed, I began looking around at the different people. What I began thinking about was the age-old truth that no two people are exactly the same. Everyone has such different builds, complexions, hairstyles, and features. This is just physical differences. Everyone also has such unique personalities. Voices are very distinctive, and we all have our own special things that make us who we are. Even the smallest details about us such as our fingerprints are different from anyone else's.

As I pondered how creative our God is in making us all so unique, I began thinking about how crazy it really is that after how unique God made our physical bodies, we still try to make our stories look like somebody else's story.

Countless people I've encountered have wished for something someone else has. They want their life to look like so and so's.

With as much as I don't like to admit it, I've done the same thing and still do at times. Surely, if they got married young, I should too. If they support that ministry, I should also. Constantly, I look at my life and base where my life should be off of where someone else is in life.

There's one problem with having this mentality... I'm not so and so... I'm me.

A song I recently heard on Klove is called "Write Your Story" by Francesca Battistelli. She sings about having God write His story on her heart. I love this song because it reminds me that I need to allow God to write my story versus me trying to write it myself.

Think about it: if God really wanted us to all have the same stories in life, why did He take the time to make every one of us one of a kind?

He has a unique, special, meaningful purpose and plan for our lives, and that isn't supposed to be identical to so and so's plan and purpose.

It's important that you be you because you're the only one of you there will ever be.

I encourage you to allow God to write your story.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You've been opening my eyes to see that I need to let You write Your story for my life instead of taking that job upon myself. Thank You for making me one of a kind and for making everyone else one of a kind also. Lord, if You took the time to make even the smallest details of me unique, I trust You have a unique plan for my story as well. Please write Your story, and thank You in advance for the wonderful chapters You are going to write. In Jesus' Name.


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