Monday, October 31, 2011


April 20, 2011
1 Kings 15:3 "He committed the same sins as his father before him, and he was not faithful to the Lord his god, as his ancestor David had been."

Abijam followed in his father's footsteps and didn't follow God. In 1 Kings we see this a lot. There was at least one king in this period who followed God, but most of the kings didn't. The kingdoms were going in the wrong direction. We have choices just like these kings had. We can follow God or not. We can continue in generational sins or break them. I have wonderful, godly parents, so that influence helps a lit, but there are still generational sins I need to break. The choice is ours.

Dear Lord,
I learned today how so many dings just followed in their father's footsteps and didn't follow You. Lord, regardless of what anyone else does, help me do what honors You. Keep me on the straight and narrow. I need Your help! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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